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Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Lexington Avenue NYC

Overcome Dependency, – Holistic Healing & Therapy Available.

Intoxication of prescription substances is a severe problem that can affect physical, psychological, social, and working specialties of life. Painkillers, such as OxyContin and Vicodin, benzodiazepines, including Xanax and Valium, stimulants, viz., Adderall and Ritalin, and sedatives carry the inherent potential for dependence and require the input of a physician to become sober in the long term.

If you or your closest person suffers from prescription drug addiction, you should know for yourself that Lexington Avenue in Manhattan has some of the best centers to treat this issue, thus, it can provide you with comprehensive and complete medical services including medical and psychological and physical therapeutic programs.

On Prescription Drug Addicts Treatment in Lexington Avenue NYC
There is barely any place in New York that is devoid of recovery centers but the topmost and perhaps the best recovery places are on Lexington Avenue.

Why Choose Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment on Lexington Avenue


Dr. Carolina Lopez

Clinical Psychology
+1 (888) 123 4567

Dr. Carolina Lopez is a professional and caring psychiatrist providing medical assistance in the sphere of addiction and mental disorders. In a comprehensive and customer-oriented manner, she is knowledgeable enough to undertake drug and alcohol detoxification, therapy, and long-term management strategies. Dr. Lopez is working to free people from the grip of addiction and to find true health and a sound mind.


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